Selasa, 29 April 2014

Could The iPhone 6 Be As Thin As The Current iPod Touch? - Comparison Video

Video: Unbox Therapy (YouTube)

Latest rumors and leaks about the next iPhone (presumably called the iPhone 6, or maybe the iPhone Air) all point to a larger screen, most likely 4.7 inches. But even more interesting is that one leaked renderings, supposedly for case-makers, point to a thickness of only 6mm for the iPhone 6. That is the same thickness as the current generation, iPod Touch.

If the leaks are real, the next generation iPhone, although it would be bigger in terms of height and slightly in width, would be super thin! With the camera, antennas, and battery, is that thickness even possible? Is it necessary? I've never head anyone say, the iPhone is too thick. I have heard, the iPhone's battery sucks, on the other hand. Maybe Apple has their priorities wrong...

YouTube channel Unbox Therapy, has gotten one of the cases made possibly from the leaked renderings for the rumored iPhone 6. In the video above, he compares the case to the current iPod Touch which shares the thickness of 6mm. The case shows, that although the iPod doesn't fit (for obvious reasons of height and width differences) the sides fit well, and even the alignment of volume keys match.  

Is the leaked rendering real? Or has someone just made a fake 'perfect' mockup to fool eager Apple fans, and case manufacturers? If real, the iPhone 6 will be impressibly thin - 1.6mm thinner than the iPhone 5s and even 2.1mm thinner than the Samsung Galaxy S5.  Of course there is no way to tell for sure until Apple CEO, Tim Cook, takes the stage the to unveil the next iPhone, presumably in September of this year.

If you wanna see more videos about iPhone 6 leaks, be sure to head over and subscribe to Unbox Therapy's YouTube Channel

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