Rabu, 07 Mei 2014

Make It Rain Money By Swiping On Your iPhone/iPad or Android - Game Review

Love money? Wish it was as easy as swiping on your iOS device to make? Well..! it's not... But it is in the game Make It Rain: The Love Of Money by Space Inch, LLC.  

Available as a FREE download for iOS (iPhone/iPad) and Android devices, Make It Rain, makes our money making fantasies come to life. How fast can you make it rain?

If you've ever played Cookie Clickers you'll understand the game play style. You can make money simply by swiping the notes on the screen, but that's a easy and tiring task. The real challenge is to use Financial, Business, and Political Investments, to make your money pile up in the thousands, millions, and then billions!!

Financial Investments, is what determines your income per second: In the game you'll start off small, maybe investing in a piggy bank, or under your mattress... Then you'll soon be opening a savings account, investing in stocks, and so on...

Business Investments, is what builds up your swipe income. That it, every time you swipe, how much money you gain.

Political Investments, builds up your cash bucket. The bucket is what collects money while you are not on the app. With a maximum per hour amount, you'll need to build the earning rate and capacity of the bucket.

What could be considered a downside to the game, you will regularly get a visit from some powerful people, who will cut down your income and savings.

Make It Rain: The Love of Money does contain advertisements and offer some in-app purchases (but are not really to buy for the game).

If you love Cookie Clickers, you'll love Make It Rain. It's fun making the business choices, and watching the money pile up! If only it was really so easy to make so much money...

Make It Rain: The Love Of Money, is FREE to download on iOS (iPhone/iPad) and Android devices.

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