Jumat, 09 Mei 2014

iPhone 6 Mockup Vs iPod Touch (5th Gen) - Comparison

From macitynet.it, a video showing a comparison of the rumored iPhone 6 vs the current 5 generation iPod Touch. 

According to the rumors the iPhone 6 will share a few similarities with the iPod touch. Including a similar curved back edges, the same 6mm thinness. 
Obvious differences include; the size. The iPhone 6 is rumored to be larger in height and width, as it is rumored to feature a 4.7 inch screen. 

While these are all still rumors, the real iPhone 6 may not look like this mockup at all. We'll known for sure later this year (likely September) when Tim Cook and crew take to the stage to show off the real iPhone 6 (and possibly rumored iWatch).

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