Minggu, 11 Mei 2014

MAY 11TH 2014 - APPLE RELATED NEWS OF THE WEEK ROUNDUP - Beats, Lumia, iPhone 6, & Law

[MAY 11TH 2014]

Apple is close to signing a deal to acquire Beats Electronics LLC, headphone and music streaming company created by Dr. Dre and Jimmy Iovine, for $3.2 billion. [Read story

Apple has hired Nokia's Lumia PureView camera expert, Ari Partinen. [Read Tweet]

Taiwanese media reports, Apple will launch a 4.7 inch iPhone in August, followed by a 5.5 inch or 5.6 inch version in September.  [Read report by Reuters]  

Wanna print your own 3D iPhone 6 Mockup? Designer Martin Hajek is selling 3D files that can be printed using a 3D printer, of the rumored design of the iPhone 6. [See website

US Patent & Trademark Office has published a patent from Apple named "Super-Resolution Based On Optical Image Stabilization."  [See the patent here

Apple has published on it's website their 'Legal Process Guidelines [for] U.S. Law Enforcement.' 

[See webpage here]    

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