Selasa, 06 Mei 2014

iOS 7 iPhone How To: Not Show Text Message On Lock Screen

When you get a text message (or iMessage) on your iPhone, the message will appear on your lock screen and notification center, and will show the contact name and a preview of the message...

In iOS 7, there are heaps of options to customize how messages show on your iPhone. You can hide the message preview, or the whole alert from you lock-screen, which is good if your iPhone isn't always on you and you have nosy people around. You can hide the app badge, change alert banner styles, and so on...

All the notification settings for messages is located in Notification Center. From there is a bunch of tweaks that you can use to change message alert behavior.

Here is a walkthrough guide of the iOS 7 Messages Notification Center Options:

Open 'Settings' app. Then tap 'Notification Center'. Then find and tap 'Messages'. 

Alert Style: When you're using your iPhone, this option determines how you'll be notified. None: nothing will show on your screen and interrupt you. Banners: a banner will appear at the top of the screen. Alerts: a pop up will appear, freezing the app you're currently using and making you either dismiss the message or go to the message.

Badge App Icon: When on, will display a number on the Messages App displaying how many unread messages you have.  

Alert Sound: Here you can select the type of sound that will play when you receive a message.

Show in Notification Center: Choose whether you would like message alerts to display on Notification Center.  You can also select how many items to include in the list.

Show on Lock Screen: This option when switched off, will keep messages from showing on your lock screen.

Show Preview: If you switch off 'show preview', you will get a notification showing on your lock screen, with the name of the sender, but no part of the message will show. You will need to unlock your iPhone and go to the message to read the text.

Repeat Alerts: This is the option for how many times you want your iPhone to alert you of an unread message.

Show Alerts from: You can decide with this option to only show alerts if the message is from someone on your contact list, or from anyone.

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