Senin, 08 April 2013

Logo Quiz - Revamped; New Ninja Theme - iOS App Review

Logo Quiz by Jinfra, was recently updated. The new update revamped the whole app.

I had reviewed Logo Quiz before, if you're not familiar with the game, basically there are a whole lot of logo's, from companies, movies, TV, brands, restaurants, products, ect...
The old version was a basic 'identify the logo's' with a few different modes:
- Streak: see how many you can answer with multiple choice.
- Categories: pick a topic and answer all the logo's by typing the answers.
- Online Multiplayer: turn-by-turn versing friends or other random players.

The new version changes Logo Quiz, to feature a Ninja Theme, and removes a couple of the ways to play the game.

The new "story" is you play as Ninja Dai, in a quest to get the black belt of logos and win your Sensei's approval.

There is now only one way to play the game, which is a level based. There are 10 levels with all up, hundreds of logos.

Inside each level are a number of logos for you to guess. The logos are partial images, or another words, missing something from the logo.

Click on a logo and type in your answer. If stuck you can 'ask Sensei', and he'll give you a hint of a few of the letters in the word, or you can use resolve the logo for "5 hints". If you're really stuck you can also go to Facebook or Twitter and ask for help.

Another new feature of Logo Quiz, is "Conversations With Sensei", where on certain logos, your Sensei will give you some facts and information about the companies and logos. Interesting, but sometimes you don't care and just want to get to the next logo - and that's what the skip button is for!

Not really sure what to think about the new update. The Ninja theme really doesn't seem necessary and makes the app gimmicky, while some of the facts can be worth reading. They removed one of my favorite modes, which was the multiple choice streak mode, and you now must play it out by levels. Still a fun logo guessing game, though.

The "new" Logo Quiz is now FREE, while the old original free version is still available in the App Store and features the 'Streak Logo' mode! The new 'Ninja version' is available for iOS, designed for both iPhone and iPad.

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